Resources for Supervisees
things you'll need for individual or group supervision

Prayer for Inner Freedom
God of life-giving freedom, thank you for the· privilege of being with people
in such a vulnerable way as they share their brokenness as well as their giftedness, their darkness as well as their light.
I ask for the grace of awareness of my own brokenness and darkness. Give me a willing and courageous spirit to delve deeply into my own vulnerability, so that I can be freely with others in their woundedness.
Help me to see my areas of darkness so that these can come out into the light, to explore my brokenness so that it can bask in your healing touch, to become aware of my resistances so that they can be freed by your loving Spirit.
Create an open space within me so that I can receive others' brokenness and vulnerability with tenderness and love.
Help me to be a resting place where others can bring their struggles as well as their joys. Let me find a home in you so others can find a home in me.
Thank you, God, for the inner freedom growing within me that allows others
to encounter your loving presence.