“The life of the Spirit requires less and less; time is ample and its passage sweet.”
Annie Dillard, The Writing Life
Facilitated Group Supervision
for Supervisors

- Adam Bucko, quoting Tessa Bielecki
The first step in the mystical journey
towards God is
to fall in love
with life.
About Me
Hi, I'm Vanessa (Marie Caruso). I'm 43 years old and I discovered spiritual direction in my late 20's and it's changed my life. After an English Lit. major, a couple forays into seminary, 10 years in lifestyle modeling and working at churches - I feel like I finally found what I was looking for. I love introducing spiritual direction to people, accompanying them through seasons of change and sameness, doing spiritual direction with kids, and supporting directors as a supervisor. My name means "metamorphosis" (and my parents chose it for that reason), so I'm not completely surprised that bearing witness to people becoming more themselves is in my nature.

There is in every person an inward sea...

and in that sea there is an island...

and on that island there is an altar

and standing guard before that altar

is the "angel with the flaming sword.”

Nothing can get by that angel to be placed upon that altar

unless it has the mark of your inner authority.

Nothing passes "the angel with the flaming sword”

to be placed upon your altar...

unless it be a part of "the fluid area of your consent.”

This is your crucial link with the Eternal.

Howard Thurman, Meditations of the Heart
(image by By Addison N. Scurlock - Smithsonian Online Virtual Archives NMAH.AC.0618.S04.01)
Contact Me
directionwithvanessa@gmail.com or 250.858.3281
I humbly acknowledge that I live, pray and play on the ancestral homelands of the Esquimalt and Songhees First Nations, the lək̓ʷəŋən people. I am in awe of how they have stewarded and cultivated this land for generations and I commit to learning more about what it looks like to live and work here respectfully.